
Brøndby Stadion
Ticket & Statistics
As the first game in Denmark, the "NewFirm"-Derby - in Denmark also known as "Slaget om Kobenhavn" - between Brøndby IF and FC Copenhagen was selected. The journey to Copenhagenerfolgte from Lübeck by train - well, actually not really only byBahn, because finally the train in Puttgarden drives in the meantime in aFähre before it goes on in Denmark again on rails...
In Hoeje Taastrup awaited us then ourGastgeber for our stay in Copenhagen. And this was equal to a small surprise for us, because he had us for the game VIP tickets procured, so you could enjoy the game times from the point of view of the great and rich ;-)
Before the game it went but of course still ondas one or the other cold drinks in the Fanlokal at the stadium. The Stadion liegtnatürlich in Bröndby, a suburb of Copenhagen, and is since 1998 in the possessiondes club. It is a pure soccer stadium that was renovated in 2007 and creates a really great atmosphere. Also outside of the stadium is a lot going on.
In addition to some snack and beverage stalls, there is also the mentioned club pub where nebst cold drinks also a barbecue corner for good Verpflegungsorgt.
Dennoch pulled us but after a drink alreadyin the VIP area, since one wanted to test of course also the delicacies offered there. After an address by the sports director - unfortunately in Danish and therefore only partially understandable for us - the VIPs also made their way to their seats outside the pits. Both fan blocks were well filled and showed a block choreography. On the part of Brøndby, this even fell out over two tiers. In the half-time there were then on both sides somePyrotechnik to admire and also after the end of the game there was what to ignite. But also during the game both fan groups provided continuous support. Even if mandes Danish is not powerful one could thanks to the old-familiar melodies but often guess what it should be about ;-)
To the game itself is nothing, but also exactly Garnichtszu say. It was one of those soccer matches that one likes to file under "the weakest I have ever seen". There was not much of a derby on the pitch either. From fight and commitment was little to nothing to see and from any Nicklichkeiten can also not be reported. Soblieb only complaining about bad passes and standards into nowhere as entertainment in the 45 minutes before and after the free beers in the VIP sector ...