UEFA Europa League

Stadion im Borussia-Park
After a few hours of driving, we arrived shortly before noon in Möchengladbach . After one could not yet check in in our hotel, one made oneself on the search for a local and already in the proximity of the Palazzo hotel - which one can recommend by the way for Groundhopping trips quite - one became fündig.
In `Et Fässke` one approved oneself then the one or other Diebels and was invited then also still by the landlord on a drink, after he had identified us as visitors of the Gladbach play. After that, we checked into the hotel and headed for the train station, where we enjoyed what we considered to be the world's best kebap. From the train station, dozens of shuttle buses drove in the direction of the stadium. Thus one arrived comfortably at the place of the happening.
In the stadium one referred the places opposite the fan curve, directly beside the away block of the Frenchmen, which became noticeable particularly by the senseless firing of numerous firecrackers. Also a few smoke pans were ignited whereby the view of the field was sometimes clouded. The game itself was not exactly of the best variety, but Gladbach had clearly more of it. In the 33rd minute there was then penalty for Gladbach, which led to the much-celebrated 1:0 lead. More was then not going on in half-time 1.
In the second half Gladbach managed the lead and could also increase to 2:0. Marseille could not add and ultimately had to go home without points. After the game, the shuttle buses quickly took the 45,000 spectators back to the main train station. In Linz breaks out already with 2000 people the chaos...
In the hotel one was then still welcomed as Frenchmen, which offended us yet something *g*. All in all, however, a very nice trip to the `foals`...